
AppSys Plugin


Connect your WooCommerce webshop to your Rentman app

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This plugin is property of and developed by AppSys ICT Group.
It is designed to link Rentman and WooCommerce by importing your Rentman equipment to your WooCommerce webshop and creating a project in Rentman when your customer places an order in your webshop.

For questions or support contact webdesign@appsysictgroup.com

Latest version: 5.3.17
Warning Our plugin is not compatible with WooCommerce Blocks (added in 8.3) With WooCommerce version 8.3+, the Cart and Checkout blocks are the default for new installations and when creating default pages. You should revert those pages following these instructions: Reverting to shortcodes with WooCommerce 8.3+
Show release notes


  • Fixed contact properties getting erased when no value is supplied


  • Improved memory usage
  • Added multisite compatibility (single Rentman account)
  • Added optional setting to search for contact & locations in subfolders
  • Added setting for product status on import
  • Updated template single-product/add-to-cart/rentable.php


  • Fixed bug with caching when no ttl was set


  • Time schedules can now be ordered
  • Added a setting to enable placing equipment in their default group when exporting
  • Image & File descriptions are now imported as metadata


  • Bugfix: Subscription details did not show in some cases


  • This plugin will now automatically deactivate itself when WooCommerce is not active
  • Added function groups to export
  • Variables used in export are now global so they can be accessed outside of the export function
  • Added a function to clear the entire cache
  • When token is changed, entire cache is cleared using previously mentioned function instead of clearing each entry separately
  • Subscription information is now refreshed on 'account' page load
  • AppSys API responses are now cached to reduce the request rate


  • Bugfix: Project is sometimes not exported due to incorrect cache filename


  • Fixed travel information due to Rentman API update
  • Data can now be cached forever
  • Cache filenames are now SHA512 hashes


  • Bugfix: Product type is not synced when changed in Rentman
  • Product prices are rounded up (2 digit precision) on import to prevent issues when exporting a project
  • Added filters for min rental period start & end
  • Added filters for internal & external documents value of timeschedules
  • Refactoring: Moved code into relevant files


  • Bugfix: Logfile entries timestamp are based on server timezone instead of website
  • Bugfix: Availability is negative when product is overbooked


  • Bugfix: Category is overwritten when a child with the same name exists
  • Bugfix: Discount is not applied on prices in price suffix
  • Customers can now be linked to a Rentman contact via 'edit user' field


  • Implemented own caching
  • Fixed discount calculation not accounting for applied factor


  • Fixed cleanup of alternatives & accessories
  • Removed duplicate rental period & external reference from new order email
  • Implemented coupons: The discount will be added to the material discount in Rentman
  • Travel time & distance are now filled in automatically for clients & locations
  • If the plugin settings Project usage period start time is greater than the Project usage period end time, then the rental period start and end days can not be the same
  • Added deposit field to export


  • Changed cUrl timeout from 5 to 15 seconds
  • Added new setting: Allow overrenting
  • Rentman product field 'oppervlakteartikel' is now also imported as metadata


  • Fixed typo causing orders failing to export to Rentman


  • Added filters to enable custom fields on contacts


  • Removed rental period from thank you page and confirmation email when order does not contain rentables
  • Removed redundant h2 tag from Downloads tab
  • Added a max value to the add to cart quantity field equal to the Rentman stock


  • Changed to rentmanplugin.com for token request
  • Project type setting now defaults to first available type
  • Orders can now be exported to Rentman from the Orders page in wp-admin
  • Added support for HPOS
  • Added required account warning
  • Fixed README.MD


  • Fixed crash when upgrading from version < 5.1.5


  • Fixed stock management always disabled on sale product
  • Disabled keyboard input on rental date pickers
  • Added check for Rentman ID when applying discount


  • Availibity data is now cached
  • Products excluded from stock tracking in Rentman now have stock management disabled in WooCommerce
  • Added filter for project number
  • Replaced transients with Illuminate cache


  • The following Rentman fields are now also imported as product metadata: Location in warehouse, List price, Margin price, Packed per, Measuring unit
  • Only regular project types are now allowed for export
  • Fixed PHP Warning: Undefined array key when exporting project


  • Implemented state/province field in Rentman when exporting clients & locations
  • When creating a project with status 'Confirmed', the equipment will also be reserved
  • Added Italian translation (Thank you, Luca)
  • Fix: Alternative/accessory is no longer imported if it or the parent is not marked as 'in webshop'
  • Fixed VAT being applied 2x when 'I want to enter prices inclusive tax' was selected in WooCommerce options.
  • Fixed project could be exported more than once
  • Minor bugfix when manually marking an order as completed


  • Added filter for exporting shipping cost
  • Added extra checks for WP_Error when exporting
  • Replaced MINUTE_IN_SECONDS with actual value to try and avoid persistent transients
  • Requests to Rentman are now checked for status code 200
  • Bugfix: get_id() on null when using rentman_find_wc_product()
  • Bugfix: update product slug on import
  • Fixed import page flickering
  • Fixed linebreak on address line 2


  • Reverted 'Only products and files modified since last import are now imported'


  • Client & Location export now include BIC, Accounting number, Bank account number and Purchase number
  • Order metadata _rentman_factor is now hidden on order details
  • Improved import: Initial ajax call is split up into smaller actions
  • Improved import: Only products and files modified since last import are now imported
  • Bugfix: viewing an order which has removed products no longer causes a critical error
  • Bugfix: project export is no longer canceled if client could not be updated


  • Updated PHP requirements to 7.4
  • The server error message is now shown when rental period changing fails instead of a generic message
  • Added filters for min rental period to single product rental period template file
  • Fixed: Do not create a contact person if the contact is an individual
  • Fixed client exported each time when no specific client folder was selected


  • Added setting: Import folders as categories
  • Added setting: start/end time of usage period
  • Added setting: Project color
  • Added setting: Project account manager
  • Added setting: Project status
  • Added setting: Equipment group name
  • Added setting: Contact folder
  • Added setting: Location folder
  • Added export log
  • Added Swedish translation. Thank you Kex Larsson!
  • Updated translations
  • Reworked contact & location export
  • When importing a product, non Rentman categories are now ignored
  • Fixed critical exception when deleting an already deleted action
  • Fixed rental period labels on mobile cart page


  • Fixed transport cost not being exported
  • Fixed discount price not showing on product detail page of non-rentable products
  • Fixed category description being cleared on import
  • Remote requests now try 3 times before failing


  • Shipping method name is now also exported
  • SKU is now properly imported ('Code' field in Rentman)
  • Added a 'Downloads' tab on product detail page
  • Improved import: Now runs in background
  • Custom fields are now imported as metadata '_rentman_custom_<id>'
  • Tax rates are now also imported
  • If a user has discounts, they will see the discounted price
  • Added option to show availability of products
  • Added option to hide rental period on product detail page
  • Added option to block checkout when a product is unavailable
  • Added option to disable importing of images
  • Added option to disable importing of files
  • Added option to import alternatives as upsells
  • Added option to import accessories as cross-sells
  • Added option to show the original price next to the discount price
  • Added option to only import certain folders
  • Added option to only import certain products based on a custom field in Rentman
  • Removed the 'Extra # days' fee in the cart. Prices in the cart now reflect the full price for the duration of the rental period, with factor groups implemented
  • Introduced template files which can be overridden by a child theme
  • Reverted the rental datepickers to HTML5 datepickers
  • When billing & shipping details are different it no longer creates 2 contacts in Rentman
  • Moved language domain for translation files from 'rentalshop' to 'rentman'. If you have any translation overrides, they will need to be updated too


  • Patched version for upcoming release of Rentman in january 2023


  • Plugin now depends on WooCommerce being activated
  • Added uninstall hook
  • External reference in Rentman will now only contain the reference instead of being prefixed with "External reference:"
  • Removed WooCommerce id from external reference
  • Order is exported to Rentman when checkout order is processed instead of when the thank you page is loaded
  • Moved admin menu from WooCommerce submenu to its own menu item
  • Added a setting for the project name (with variables)
  • Changed layout of some settings from yes/no select to checkbox
  • Added language setting
  • Added add-to-cart template for custom Rentable product
  • Fixed bug creating contact when contactpersoon is null
  • Minor warning fix
  • Fixed bug in availability check
  • Fixed integer buffer overflow when parsing timestamp on 32-bit OS
  • Fixed Import Log


Register now and try the plugin for free for 30 days!

We offer 2 subscription plans:

For the first url

€29* / month

€10* / month per additional url

logo Visa
logo Mastercard
logo American Express

* Price without VAT

For the first url

€348* / year

€120* / year per additional url

logo Visa
logo Mastercard
logo American Express
logo Bancontact
logo iDEAL

* Price without VAT


Import products from Rentman to WooCommerce

Show different prices for customers with discount

Show availability of products

Block ordering when products are unavailable

Export WooCommerce orders to Rentman projects